Rachel's Table

Happy, Hopeful Spring!

I think it’s finally safe to say that Old Man Winter has left us in peace. He’s no longer raging with polar vortexes and hurling plummeting temperatures our way. To celebrate, all the flowers and bugs and birds have come out to play, dancing in the sunlight and breeze. I took some time to celebrate with them at Longwood Gardens, capturing a few particularly happy moments with my camera.

The conservatory buzzed with pink, purple, and blue.


IMG_0359 IMG_0360 IMG_0363The nectarine trees, tomato plants, grape vines and squash proudly displayed young fruit and blossoms.

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A crimson cardinal perched and sang in a cherry tree in full bloom.

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The vegetable garden, measured out in neat rows, bloomed and readied itself for summer sun and more spring rain.



The hot house flowers put on a particularly beguiling show.

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Not to be outdone, the tulips opened their petals and created a symphony of color and texture.


IMG_0444 IMG_0445 IMG_0489 IMG_0483 IMG_0467A nonconformist yellow tulip owned her true spring color, while popping and dancing among pink cousins.

IMG_0495“Spring drew on . . . and a greenness grew over those brown [garden] beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night, and left each morning brighter traces of her steps.”                                       Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre






  1. I’m always boasting about the weather we have where I live, but the terrible little secret is that we have late Springs (it’s been freezing here – sunny, but then blasts of freezing wind and suddenly it snows or rains for 8 minutes, then sunny again), and short Springs. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone.

  2. I lvoe that quote! Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books, and your photos are beautiful. It’s just now starting to feel like spring here in Northeast Ohio, and I can’t wait until the flowers bloom!

  3. Sleeps

    Aw Ra I needed this today…..NH is in denial that its spring and I’m in denial that its not. Wearing summer dresses and high heels and its 40 and rainy. 🙂 There is hope of spring somewhere. 🙂

    • But I’m sure you’re wearing a super awesome jacket with those dresses and heels. Next time you visit we’ll go to Longwood Gardens. It’s the perfect way to spend an afternoon. Miss you!

  4. Wa-wa-wee-wah! Wow. I can’t believe I still haven’t been to Longwood Gardens, but your pictures are, without a doubt, the next best thing. I want to frame the cardinal one!

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