Eat Local

Here’s a list of restaurants that use local products and produce when possible. Please let me know if you have a local favorite.

16 Mile Taphouse Restaurant (formerly Stone Balloon Winehouse), Newark, DE.

Big Sky Bread Company, North Wilmington, DE. They bake the best whole grain breads and also have a cafe – an excellent lunch spot.

Home Grown Cafe, Newark, DE. Lots of vegan options.

Harvest Seasonal Grill, Wilmington, DE

Fresh Thymes Café, Wilmington, DE. Love their breakfast!

Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant, Newark and Wilmington, DE (but with 10 locations throughout the Mid-Atlantic states). The best beer around. Their season Belgian ales are beer perfection.

La Fia, Wilmington, DE. Seasonal menu, locally sourced.

The House of William and Merry, Hockessin, DE

1861 Restaurant, Middletown, DE. Fun bar!

Styer’s Garden Cafe at Terrain, Glen Mills, PA. Located in the middle of a beautiful garden and home store, Styer’s Cafe locally sources many ingredients, including delicious cheese for their spectacular cheese plate.

Twelves Grill and Cafe, West Grove, PA. One of my favorites! (BYOB)

Two Stones Pub, Newark and Wilmington, DE. The most local and regional beers in one place.


    • Hi Erin! I heard the same thing and was just there last weekend. Nothing on the menu was farm to table, at least not yet. They do have a lot of local beers though. I’m going to check back in with them more into the growing season. Thanks for the tip!

  1. i can’t help this: i kind of try NOT to directly lure others to my blo(r)g: but: check my (it’s in “bad spanglisch”) post about running with or against or because of the Zombies –> YOU WILL GET A CHUCKLE out of the “eat locals” t shirt. if you don’t chuckle, never believe me again!

  2. Fiona

    Fair Hill Inn, Fair Hill, MD ( They have their own kitchen garden and apiary out back and locally source their meat and cheese where possible. The chefs cure most of their own meats. Fantastic old-inn ambience too.

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